What is Yoga?

Yoga is part of ancient Indian spiritual discipline focused on develop and maintain a natural balance between body, mind, and spirit improving life quality to our lives; in fact the word Yoga came from the Sanskrit word “yuj” which means “to unite”, “to control”.

Yogis (practitioners of Yoga) believe that in order for man to have emotional stability and clarity of mind, he has to integrate the body, mind and spirit, to achieve this Yoga uses exercise, breath, postures, relaxation, and meditation. The body is the primary instrument in man’s work and growth.

Yoga and relaxation classes
  • Basic Hatha yoga poses (asana) release stress and tension in your body and ease stiffness in the joints.
  • Basic breathing exercises (pranayama) help you calm and focus your mind and encourage your body to relax.
  • Guided meditation encourages and supports your inner peace, calm and emotional balance.
  • General energy-balancing/self-massage techniques soothe your strained muscles and re-balance, energise and relax your body.
  • Relaxation exercises help you unwind, reduce stress, cope better with daily challenges.
The benefits of Yoga

When practiced on a regular basis, Yoga has many benefits. Consistency more than time spent is most important. Yoga has the power to release muscles from their habitual state of tension and return them to a resting length.

Yoga can help to increase the mobility of the joints, improve flexibility, and develop muscle tone. With the regular practice of weight bearing postures, Yoga may help to increase bone density.

Yoga can also help to reduce the symptoms of stress related ailments such as high blood pressure. Through regular practice, Yoga can redress the body-mind balance by restoring, through deep relaxation techniques, a sense of well-being and harmony helping to improve focus and concentration.

Everyone can enjoy Yoga

Yoga is suitable for both men and women. There is no age barrier.

If you have a known medical condition or injury, it is advisable that you first contact your health practitioner before starting Yoga.

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