"The secret of health, for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, not to worry about the future or to anticipate troubles, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly" Buddha

I have been interested in Complementary Therapies for several years. I have been amazed at the effect these treatments have had on my general health and wellbeing, and I want to help other people achieve the same benefits.

My Yoga journey started in 2000 when I was looking for an alternative therapy to help restore my physical health. In 2004 encouraged by my Indian teacher Benzi I went to Yoga Vidia Dham in India to complete Yoga Teacher training. I continued my training in 2006 when I went to the renowned Bihar Yoga School/University in India. Undertaking the four month residential course in 'Yogic Studies', I was introduced to the classical teachings, practices and ancient tradition of ashram life. There I was initiated into Satyananda Yoga tradition.

I am originally from Bulgaria. I learned Yoga while living abroad as well as while living in Asia I have learned and practiced Massage Therapy, Reflexology and Reiki.

I have the following qualifications:

ITEC Diploma in Holistic Massage, Level 3 to include Anatomy and Physiology, Holistic Massage and Professional Conduct and Business Awareness.  

Certificate in Traditional Thai Yoga massage

NSRS Certificate in Foot Reflexology

NSRS Certificate in Asian Deep Tissue Massage

YVD Yoga Teacher Certificate

Certificate in Yogic Studies

Reiki Level II - (Usui Shiki Ryoho, Usui Tradition Of Natural Healing)

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